Friday, August 12, 2011

Dark of the Cloud

Assalaamualaikum and good morning/good day/good afternoon/good noon/good evening/good night/get well soon/congatulation etc (sila bulat pada yang berkaitan SAHAJA)

i have this habit. i love to take as if everything happen surrounds me has to do with me. it's some kind related to me or something. especially how a weather is related to my day. i'd watch the sky to see whether the sky is imitating my mood. will the clouds turn dark when i'm sad? will it rain when someone i love is leaving me? i know it sounds ridiculous, this is my way of soothing my uneasiness tho

ok, enough with the bleww-bleww (blue-blue) stupid entry. i just nak share la kan. ade satu hari ni i sedih. then, i watch the sky. there was a very large, dark cloud above me. sambil2 dok layan perasaan tangkap lentok habis tu, tibe2 i wonder macamane awan tu jadi gelap. dari putih yang suci murni itewww jadi gelap as if orang jahat dalam cite green lantern tu tengah take over the world. yela kan, kalau ikot fikiran bengong2 sepat i ni i rase sepatutnye awan tu bertambah putih jela kan. hipotesis i adelah ---> semakin banyak air, semakin putih dan besaaau awan iteww. logik tak? logik kan? heeeee *i dengan bangganye tersenyum kambing dengan hipotesis yang i berikan iteww (applause as background sound untuk moment sebegini)*

then, i google la. keyword die: why clouds are white. aceeeehh! soalan basic. first exactly macam ni. ade few explanation for this i-wonder-why thingy. 


first, it's all about shadow. image of the cloud turns dark is about seeing the shadow of the dark. cuba bayangkan bola. torch top of the bola. bahagian bawah bola tu nampak gelap kan? macam tu la dengan awan. awan tu gugusan air yang besar. bile matahari shines on top of the tremendous awan je, kite dapat tengok bahagian atas awan tu terang & bawah awan tu gelap kan? dari sini la jugak macam mane omputih dapat diorang punye idiom: every cloud has silver lining. tapi kadang2 ade awan besar yang tak nampak gelap sangat kan. tu sebab angle kite tengok awan tu. kalau kite tengok dari bawah awan tu, maka nampak gelap la awan iteww. kalau kite tengok awan tu ari tepi, maka awan iteww kelihatan sikit terang tak gelap sangat. faham? x faham sudah. 

matahari shine kat atas je.

ini adelah sebuah negara di mane semua rakyatnye tak pakai baju. pakai seluar & skirt je.


second of all, awan tebal & awan nipis. nipis?? cam lain macam je bunyi. ok kite tuka: awan tak tebal. secare logiknye cahaya matahari susah nak tembus opaque thing yang tebal kan? depends on the density of a thing. kalau kite letak a torch behind one sheet of paper, kite boleh nampak light from the torch kan? bile tambah about 20 sheets of paper, makin kurang cahaya yang tembus kertas2 tu kan? same goes to awan la. 

awan tebal = kurang cahaya matahari tembus awan iteww = awan gelap.

high amount of wattah in the cloud, means higher density, means darker cloud, means cepat pegi angkat baju di ampaian depan rumah anda. trimaseh.

third of all, sebab scattering property of the wattah* in the awan babyhh! in detail Mie Scattering theory. secare bengong2 punye explanation, water droplet scatter light into spectrum. alaaaaa. yang ni:

Micheal = merah
Jackson = jingga aka oren
Kick = kuning
His =  hijau
Brother = biru
In = indigo
USA = ungu

red colour scattered = red
all colour scattered = white
all colour absorbed = black

awan scatter light everywhere. that's why awan iteww putih. logik rite? :D yeah! syaza pandai yaw!

erkk?? wait. ini untuk why clouds are white. how about dark cloud? da scatter lights nak absorb plak. awan boleh pening2 ke? kejap scatter kejap absorb? 

oh tidak. untuk ni, kene balek kat point #2 - the density of the awanss. i saje2 je mention canggih words like spectrum, theory & whatsoever. so that i'll look like a geniusss. hehehehehe.


kesimpulan: hipotesis diTOLAK. *syaza drop dead dried *_* i'm not that geniussss.

p/s: *(wattah = water)

moral of the story: subhanallah :)

credits: & ttp:// (dalam ni explain why the is blue, red, orange, yellow, pink - ridiculous, green etc). another credit will be for google. 

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